Montag, 5. Mai 2008


Als Mitarbeiterin auf dem Christival war mein Einsatzgebiet hauptsächlich der AK International. Am Sonntagnachmittag im Anschluss an die große offizielle Abschlussverastaltung des Christivals auf der Bürgerweide in Bremen trafen wir uns mit allen Youngleaders und dem AK International bei gemütlichem Kaffeetrinken zur Reflexion der Tage.

Mit den folgenden Statements fassten die Teilnehmer am YoungLeadersProgramm ihre Erfahrungen zusammen:

CHRISTIVAL was ... / I experienced ...
_~_Christival was powerful! Many of the people I prayed with had huge emotional & spiritual break throughs where Jesus came & touched them and healed their wounds ! – USA
_~_I experienced the awesome power of God, working in and through the lives of the people – USA
_~_Christival was awe inspiring – USA
_~_Christival was living youth transformation – USA
_~_I experienced Gods presence in each part of the festival, each person, smile, conversation …-Czech Republic (Daniel)
Gods touch by powerful testimonies add his presence
_~_I experienced: God is near –LV
_~_amazing, experienced what life could be like in God’s kingdom
_~_unity in diversity – Georgia
_~_meeting, connectiong, growing together – Germany
_~_well worth the effort ! – USA
_~_was full with God’s spirit!
_~_meeting of big, loving family
_~_was incredible, awesome
_~_20.000 celebrate Jesus!
_~_extraordinary, full with Gods love – Latvia
__the beginning auf my new life! And a very good time with God – Latvia
_~_opportunity to bask in Gods presence – Uganda
_~_die Ermutigung weiter zu gehen – Georgia
_~_I experienced the great portion of love which is not common in this world, and oftenly not common in a Christian community as well. The people helped me to realize how great is God. - Czech Republic (Filip)
_~_Zeit für mich und Gott, Familie, Zeit zum Beten
_~_a wonderful experience how otherwise completely different people can be united if they have the most important thing- Jesus – in common - Latvia

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